Transition Discovery Financial

The Financial workbook is used in conjunction with the five Financial Transition Discovery classes. Each lesson includes a thought, three principles, a lesson exercise, a reading assignment, and various writing assignments. These exercises help the individual to understand the importance of goal setting and introduce them to the principles attached to financial success.

Transition Discovery Emotional

The Emotional workbook is used in conjunction with the five Emotional Transition Discovery classes. Each lesson includes a thought, three principles, a lesson exercise, a reading assignment, and various writing assignments. Discussions, assignments, and exercises help individuals define their personal values and understand the value of mentors.

Transition Discovery Social

The Social workbook is used in conjunction with the five Social Transition Discovery classes. Each lesson includes a thought, three principles, a lesson exercise, a reading assignment, and various writing assignments. These exercises help the individual define his role as a husband and father and build and foster appropriate relationships with his wife, children, and others.

Transition Discovery Spiritual

The Spiritual workbook is used in conjunction with the five Transition Discovery classes dedicated to emphasizing the spiritual aspect of who we are as human beings. Each lesson includes a thought, three principles, a lesson exercise, a reading assignment, and various writing assignments. Discussions, assignments, and exercises help individuals to define their own spirituality.

Transition Discovery Physical

The Physical workbook is used in conjunction with the five Physical Transition Discovery classes. Each lesson includes a thought, three principles, a lesson exercise, a reading assignment, and various writing assignments. Discussions, assignments, and exercises begin with an overview of all physical needs and end with the need to achieve balance in all areas of life.